One thing the last couple of months has shown us is that we need to look after ourselves and each other.

Some have had an abrupt halt to their lives, suddenly nothing to do but reflect and perhaps worry about where the next dollar is coming from.

Others have had to work more hours than ever before. Keeping businesses going and home schooling their children.

I fall into the latter. And I feel lucky. Lucky that I still have a business to run, lucky my family are healthy and, while it has been exhausting and unbelievably long hours, lucky that I have got to spend so much time with my kids and be hands-on with their education and lucky that I have been in a position to help our clients.

But today I took the time to breathe. Actually get out of the house for half the day and spend real quality time with the family (even if it is just at the park across the road and walking the local area).  And I realised how much it was needed.

More than ever we need to look after our mind as well as body. 

Whether it be a morning walk, a meditation, reading, doing a puzzle or just having an extra sleep. We need to take the time. No matter how busy we are, even a 5 minute time out can make all the difference.

As we think about moving into the next phase of the new normal and some go back to work over the coming months, we need to look after each other and ourselves to make sure we get this time. More importantly that we do not make people feel bad or weak for saying they need it.